Chapter Leader/Delegate Elections

Chapter Leader and Delegate Elections

WHAT IS HAPPENING? It’s chapter election season! Every three years, each individual school elects its chapter leader, delegate(s), paraprofessional representative. Functional chapters and retirees also elect their representatives around the same time. 

WHEN DOES THIS HAPPEN? It’s different at each school. Generally, elections take place towards the end of the year, usually in May or early June. If you haven’t heard anything by the end of April, ask your chapter leader ASAP!

HOW DOES IT HAPPEN? Each chapter chooses an election committee and election chair who takes nominations. Any UFT member can run and can nominate themselves or someone else. Notification of nomination period and election must be posted on your chapter’s UFT bulletin board. We strongly suggest all notifications be distributed in member’s mailboxes and sent out via chapter email, if your chapter leader is using one.

Read more on our Chapter Leader and Delegate Elections FAQ

Check out the slides from our latest training on how to run

Also, check out this great interview with Alex Jallot, Chapter Leader at Pace HS: So You want to be a chapter leader? 

Finally, read more on StrikeHot about the last campaign in 2021: Reflecting on the last UFT Chapter-Leader Election Campaign by Kit Wainer

Images from our Dec 1 campaign launch! 

Chapter leader Olivia Swisher explains what it means to help organize her members
Retiree Chapter Leader Candidate Bennet Fischer talks about the campaign his 60,000 member chapter
Veteran Chapter Leader Kevin Prosen explains how a chapter leader can help revitalize and empower a UFT chapter